Solutions for improving your life, love, and finances that fit your time and budget.

Start Living the Life of Your Dreams!

Work With Me

You're in the right place.

After finishing treatment for Stage 4 breast cancer I didn't know who I was. I had no hair and no energy but managed to pack on extra pounds thanks to cancer treatments. The 2pm energy drain was real and had me reaching for a snack of potato chips or chocolate - neither of which was helping with my self-perceived weight problem. I lost all sense of personal identity. I had defined myself by my appearance rather than by my personality. 
I have walked in your shoes. I learned to emerge from the fire like a Phoenix emerges from the ashes and I can teach you to do the same!

You're stronger than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works.


"Kristin offered invaluable advice that helped me change my eating habits.  Her plan gave me energy, provided a great source of protein and kept me satisfied - even while running around after my kids.  It was so easy to change my mindset to see weight loss quickly!"

got her groove back:



"I’m so thankful to know and have worked with Kristin! She is able to channel her life experiences and ability to listen into powerful insights that help you grow and level up in whatever direction you want to go.
She believes in you so strongly, that you can’t help but start to see yourself in that light. She excels at helping you cast a vision of where you want to be, and then innovating a plan to make that vision a reality. Can’t recommend having her in your corner highly enough!"


created a life she loves


"In the time I've worked with Kristin, I've found myself becoming more confident in the skin I'm in and also more motivated to take steps to better myself. Kristin is amazingly relatable and easy to talk to. She makes every conversation feel like you're talking to a trusted friend. Through her suggestions and advice, I've been able to make small changes to my nutrition that have made a big difference. I've lost weight, I have more energy and I'm no longer taking sleep aids for my insomnia. Kristin inspires you in a way that lets you know she genuinely cares about your success. She is excited to get you started on your journey and she celebrates your milestones with you!"


got her confidence back

real results


find out more

This program is tailored for the individual who prefers full autonomy and is looking for guidance and accountability.

From personal to professional growth, I want to help you overcome your struggles in order to create the successful future you’ve always dreamt of. 


You find yourself procrastinating and struggling to hit benchmarks and accomplish goals. 

Feel lost as to why life isn't going your way

You've had something major happen that put your life on hold.

Financial Freedom

Let's Make Money

As an online entrepreneur I know how to build a modern day business without holding demos or bugging friends and family.

My method allows you to be 100% true to yourself. Work as little or as much as you want from your phone, tablet or computer using my duplicatable systems. No website needed!  

Do you want to take control of your financial stability?


You are looking for a side hustle to help pay for your daughter's dance lessons, bills, vacations or to simply create stability. 

Health & Fitness

let's Get Healthy

This program is for you!
Designed to stimulate weight loss, fat burning and muscle building the program also:
Supports consistent weight loss.
Satisfys cravings and boosts your metabolism.
Supports your body’s natural detoxification process.
Improves energy and focus.

Start your transformation today!

If you hate fad diets, crave accountability and truly want to be a part of a community... 


You need to get rid of the "Mom Belly".

You have a few pesky pounds that won't budge.

You have over 50 pounds to shed.


yes, please

A personalized makeup and beauty shopping experience that includes exclusive offers, and how-to video tutorials.

Join us because no one should do life alone.

If you want advice from someone who knows what its like to not have 20 year old skin.


You love everything hair and makeup but aren’t sure where to start

You’ve tried every subscription box under the sun with little guidance on how to use the actual you products you receive. 

You want to be included in a group that is a of a judgment free zone

You are looking to connect with other women that feel your pain

Do you find yourself constantly shifting in your chair to
adjust your posture? 

Are you rolling your shoulders and tilting your head from
side to side? 

Does your body feel fatigued as the day wears on? 

Grab your e-book on how to re-energize your body!

Five Ways to
Re-Energize Everyday!

Better than Free Ice Cream!

meet with kristin

Let's meet over virtual cocktails or coffee and create a plan to reach your goals! It's complimentary so you have nothing to lose!

Ready To Look Forward to What's Next?