1:1 Mentoring to Help You Live Your Best Life

Here at It’s Me Kristin, things are different. I strive to ensure you can capture the small wins in life, so when a grand opportunity is presented, you’re prepared.


 When it comes to motivation, coaching and mentorship, 1:1 coaching is the most popular method. This program is tailored for the individual who prefers full autonomy and is looking for guidance and accountability.

From personal to professional growth, I want to help you overcome your struggles in order to create the successful future you’ve always dreamt of.  

You don't have to do it alone.

real talk:

How It Works

Schedule a time to chat with me to find out if my Mentorship program is right for you. 

let's chat

Each month, we will have 4-6  one hour sessions where we will discuss your goals, best ways to approach accomplishing them and establish benchmarks to evaluate your progress.

1:1 sessions

With each mentoring session, I will tailor a plan for you filled with resources and guidance to help you grow.


After Finishing Treatment for Stage 4 Breast Cancer I Didn't Know Who I Was.

I lost all sense of personal identity. I had defined myself by my appearance rather than by my personality, but then I learned to emerge from the fire like a Phoenix emerges from the ashes and I can teach you to do the same

i can help because i've been there

are you ready for your best life yet?

let's do it

This Is Right For You If:

You find yourself procrastinating

you struggle to meet benchmarks and accomplish goals

You feel lost as to why life isn't going your way

You're not as far along as you should be

something major happened to you that put your life on hold

"If you're on the fence, let me just say... you've gotta work with Kristin"

In the time I've worked with Kristin, I've found myself becoming more confident in the skin I'm in and also more motivated to take steps to better myself. Kristin is amazingly relatable and easy to talk to. She makes every conversation feel like you're talking to a trusted friend. I've lost weight, I have more energy and I'm no longer taking sleep aids for my insomnia. Kristin is excited to get you started on your journey and she celebrates your milestones with you.


GAined Lean Muscle Mass

"I didn't want to believe it but this lifestyle change is amazing. I lost weight and gained muscle.""

I was skeptical at first thinking this was a fad diet but it is an easy to manage system of superfood protein shakes and knife-fork meals. I no longer crave fast food. I've cut my food budget by 30%. Now I'm interested in coaching others!


Lost 30 pounds

I have never had success with diets and this is NOT a diet. This superfood, nutrient-rich program makes me feel like I'm in my 30's! I have energy to play with my kids and my son says I'm not "grumpy" anymore. I call that a win.  

"I went from a size 16 to a size 8 and I've never felt better."

dropped 4 dress sizes


Real Results from Working With Kristin

meet with kristin

Let's meet over virtual cocktails or coffee and create a plan to reach your goals! It's complimentary so you have nothing to lose!

Ready To Look Forward to What's Next?